Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What I've Been Up To...

I hope you all are having a fantastic week! I've had a great week so far! Monday night, S and I ordered Chinese food and watched Salt and The Mechanic...They were awesome! I definitely enjoyed Salt more because there was a major twist at the end! Tuesday was very busy! I kept the Moore children allll day and enjoyed every bit of it! I swam most of the afternoon with Wils. It is simply amazing to me how grown up he is getting! He has such a big boy personality now! Tuesday evening was much needed! S  and I enjoyed a nice dinner at McEwen's and had "B and S" time...It was nice ;) We try to have "Date night" atleast once a week...We feel it is MANDATORY in any realtionship...Life can get so busy at times, people forget to take time with their spouse, etc. Afterwards, we came back to the condo, watched some tv, and we were OUT by 9:30! It was nice to be in bed early....I'm off today, so I'm sure I will enjoy the day with my Mom! It is nice having her home all summer! We have ZERO plans for the weekend, so I'm quite,quite excited about it...;)


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