Monday, July 25, 2011

Movie Reviews...

It is tiiiimmme for Movie Reviews...I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!!!!

1. This is an older movie, but S has been talking
about it for months. He finally bought it so I could
watch, and OMG....It was AMAZING! I love
Ed  Norton and Richard Gere, and they were
amazing in this movie! It has a wonderful
twist at the end...WATCH IT!!

2. This is an older movie, too, but it was in
Red Box, so I rented it..I loved it!
Once again, I love Ed Norton...:) I highly
sugget renting it if you love a good Action movie.

3. This was a new movie to Red Box. I loved him
in the Hangover movies, so I thought it would
be hilarious! It was somewhat funny, but there
was a lot of dry humor, so if you do not like dry
humor, this is not the movie for you....There are a lot
of great actors/actresses in it, though! Great renter!

4. I made a bad decision last week..I watched
this movie alone...NOT A GOOD IDEA!
It was very freaky and had intense music...It
was a typical scary movie, but if you like thrillers,
rent it! It is only a 1.00 at Red Box ;)
The ending is not all that great though, so fair warning...

5. I rented this movie last week for the kids I was
babysitting for. I like Johnny Depp and always have..
I did NOT like him in this movie though..Honestly,
I did not like the movie...I don't understand why it is
on the top list of Red Box...oh well...Atleast I can
say I watched it...:)

Hope you enjoyed the Movie reviews!!!! Go check these movies out! :)
Have a great Monday!

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