Saturday, November 12, 2011


Last week, all of the teachers at my school wore pink...BUT! We had to be COMPLETELY tacky, and wear everything in our closet that was pink. We had a HUGE Halloween party, celebrated with the students and parents, and enjoyed the day. All of the faculty wore pink to honor the teachers in the school who have fought Breast cancer. It was a wonderful thing to be a part of. I had a lot of fun, and my students went crazy when they saw my hair! I wore a pink dress, pink leggings, pink slippers, pink scarf, pink earrings, and dyed my hair PINK! Yes, I said, I dyed my hair PINK!" I will not explain anymore...I will let the pictures do the justice ;)

on the way to school! no, i was not driving yet..

Car pooling with the girls to school!

Mom took this of me after school. The
hair dye had faded a little bit. I wanted
everyone to be able to see the full outfit shot, ha!

This was in the morning before school! Kinda blurry!

This picture is EXACTLY what my hair
looked like, BRIGHT! :)

Brittney Jo 

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