Sunday, March 3, 2013

Scallops, Scallops, Scallops!

Thursday night, I stayed late at school to get some things done and then headed to the grocery store. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I LOVE grocery shopping. I love making my list, going through it and checking things off, planning ahead for meals, etc. I even group my grocery list into meats, veggies, fruits, etc. I am an organizational nut...What can I say? ;) After I got home and unloaded the groceries, S and I went to the gym for a date night! ha! It was fun!! I was not really feeling my workout on Thursday, so the fact that S wanted to go with me helped keep me motivated!! It ended up being a great workout and I'm ALWAYS glad I go at the end!

Once our workout was finished, I came upstairs and made dinner. I have been in the mood for scallops lately, so I pulled out the bag of scallops I had picked up from Costco's a couple of weeks ago. Scallops are so easy to fix, but it's also easy to mess them up. A lot of people want to over cook them. I did not use any particular recipe, but I just pan seared them with a little bit of olive oil and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. I also seasoned them with salt, pepper, paprika, garlic, cayenne pepper, and thyme. They were so good!! If you like scallops, I highly suggest the big bag of Kirkland's scallops from Costco!

I also boiled some fresh green beans, threw some whole grain brown rice and corn in a bowl and mixed it with a teaspoon of soy sauce, and cooked the crab cakes that Kroger had made up for me that day... All in all, it was a very good meal!! It put me in the mood for our trip to FLORIDA IN TWO WEEKS!!! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!

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