Meg, from Destiny USA, emailed me and asked me to share their Did You Know? page. There are lots of great tips and facts on here to take into consideration when starting a new year and new resolution. It's very easy to make small changes in your life. They wanted me to share just a few quick suggestions that will help start you on the right path to a healthier lifestyle! ( Note: these are my ideas, so I completely understand they will not work for everyone, but these are simply suggestions. )
Check them out at:
1. When going to the grocery store, park far out. It will
help you get some walking in. It not only is good for
YOU, but it will also save your car! Your doors will
never get banged, ha! ;)
2. If you park in a parking garage like I do, take the stairs!
Don't take the elevator! Walking up stairs will
help you burn those extra calories!
3. Suck your tummy in when exercising and all throughout
the day. Keeping your stomach tight, will help reduce that
abdominal fat and tighten those muscles!
4. Wear clothes that FIT you! Don't wear bulky clothing.
It honestly makes you look BIGGER than you are.
Learn to dress for your body type, and you will learn to love
your clothes. Also invest in an alterations lady!
They will become your best friend!
5. Use some sort of calorie tracker. I use My
Fitness Pal. There are many applications on
smart phones today that you can use.
It's right at your finger tips! It not only is good
to keep up with your calories, but it holds you
accountable! There is nothing worse than typing
in your food for the day and seeing how bad it is!
I have friends on MFP, and it's nice
to hold each other accountable for the food and
exercise we do! :)
6. Find an exercise regimen that works for YOU!
If you hate to run, DON'T RUN! Not everyone loves
to run and that is totally okay. If you enjoy workout
classes, do that. If you enjoy biking, do that.
Just find your thing and stick with it!
7. Set reachable goals. Don't set goals that
you know you cannot reach in a reasonable
amount of time. Chances are if you don't
make the goal, you will get discouraged and quit.
Start out with small goals and work your way up
to bigger goals. I have small goals that I want to
achieve weekly, but I also have larger goals that
I allow myself 6 months to a year to reach.
8. If you have never used Gina's Skinny Taste
website, I highly suggest it. I use her recipes
from her website all the time! She is a wonderful
cook and shows you ways to enjoy food without
all the extra calories. Not only is her food good,
but she teaches you not to look at it like a diet.
If you want chicken parmesan, eat chicken parmesan.
Just remember to prepare it in a HEALTHIER way.
9. Women..Wear heels!!! I know that sounds
so silly, but this is the easiest way to make your
legs look thinner! Flats have a tendency
to make our legs look bulkier and stumpy.
When you elevate your legs, your leg muscles
automatically look more tone and thin.
This requires zero exercise and zero
amount of pounds to lose!
10. Find a haircut that is right for you!
You're probably thinking, "what does a haircut
have to do with being healthy?"
When you have the right haircut for your face
shape, you can make your face look ten times
thinner! I don't know about you, but that is an
easy plus in my book!
I hope these easy and quick suggestions will help gear you into the right direction! Being healthy and in shape is not always about going to the gym everyday. Learn about your body, what looks good on your body, and how you can build your confidence simply by making a few changes to your lifestyle! You only get one body, so TAKE CARE OF IT.
Wearing clothes that fit you is a huuuuge one! Getting clothes tailored to fit you correctly is one of the best tips that I feel like no one does for looking smaller! And always yes to heels :)
These are such good suggestions!
These are such good suggestions!
I love all of these tips! I'm really bad about wearing bulky clothes because they are easy to kind of hide in. Thanks for sharing!
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